RICE 4 LIFE! Supporting
Khvien Village Primary School in Cambodia
Khvien, Kok Tachan and Kok Beng
Established 2002
Equipping all school students: each student receives a tailor-made school uniform, books, pens and pencils each year.
Establishing and equipping school libraries.
RICE4TEACHERS: each teacher is supported with a 50kg sack of rice each month.
Sponsoring students to high schools and universities.
Establishing and organising weekly English language classes for village children.
Monthly rice deliveries to families suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Installing Solar energy to Khvien school.
Schoolyard upgrading at Khvien.
In 2005, 65 village families provided with 50kg of rice each month during the rice famine.
The goal of this project is to increase educational opportunities for children of this poor village and to increase school enrollment to 85 percent.
Each child receives: One made-to-measure school uniform and sufficient exercise books, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil case for each year; many receive new footwear.
The School receives: Textbooks, supply of chalk, library equipment including large mobile bookcases to our design, all books for school are supplied. The School yard has been upgraded for the rainy season by covering it with soil and a top layer of roadbase. Repairs and maintenance of school's wells and painting of flagpole. In 2008 a computer will be provided. Teachers receive uniforms too.
School excursion: Students from grades 4,5 and 6 are taken on an annual educational excursion to a silk farm and to a cultural centre.
Some children (the poorest) have received new bicycles, school uniforms and financial assistance to help them get to High School.
Where possible, wells are dug to provide clean water and families are now able to drink disease-free water.
In 2005 65 families were supported for 4 months with supplies of rice.